Professional CE Courses
Our Continuing Education Courses in EMDR Therapy and complementary trauma treatments are designed to enhance your ability to provide safe and effective EMDR therapy to a wide range of clinical complexities.
Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 1)
15 APA & EMDRIA CEs - Self-Paced Webinar
Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 2)
TBD CEs - Self-Paced Webinar
Decoding the Model of EMDR Therapy
2 APA & EMDRIA CEs - Live Virtual 8/2/24
The Readiness Course for EMDR Clinicians
6.5 EMDRIA CEs - Self-Paced Webinar
Scroll down to learn more about our available courses.

Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 1)
The Connection between Symptoms, Triggers, and Trauma Memory Networks in developing Readiness and Target Sequence Planning
Location: Self-Paced Webinar
Level of Programming: Advanced, Complete EMDRIA-Approved EMDR Basic Training Required
Prerequisite to: Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 2): The Connection between Symptoms, Triggers and Trauma Memory Networks in Reprocessing Maladaptive Strategies for Managing Affect & Attachment
Cost: $447* + $40 for 15 APA & EMDRIA CEs (optional)
*Bundle Part 1 & 2 to Save $100 on both!
Includes: 20+ Fillable PDF Worksheets
This self-paced webinar introduces a visual method for understanding and explaining the AIP model, the EMDR therapy process, and how complex developmental trauma manifests in memory networks.
The course focuses on strategic methods for Case Conceptualization, Readiness Assessment, and Target Sequence Planning when treating Complex Developmental Trauma with EMDR therapy, curating and synthesizing methods learned from the best of the best in the EMDR therapy field over the past almost 20 years.
Specific attention is given to understanding symptoms through the lens of Affect and Attachment Management Strategies that clients have developed as adaptations to early trauma and unmet attachment needs.
The course includes quite a bit of clinical video for real-life illustration of the concepts, showing when things go smoothly and not so smoothly. 20+ fillable PDFs are provided for organizing implementation of the strategies introduced in the training.
Student Testimonials
4 Monthly Installments may be available to you through Afterpay. Additional payment plan options may be available through Klarna.
The option of installment payments is available through Afterpay at checkout for qualifying applicants. Full or partial refunds for Afterpay transactions are available up to 120 days after the original payment, minus the fees from the original charge. If Afterpay is used for training registration, refunds will not be provided separately or additionally by Precision EMDR Academy. Not all customers are guaranteed approval for Afterpay, as approval depends on various factors considered during Afterpay’s assessment. Afterpay may perform a soft credit check for using the monthly installment option. Decisions regarding qualification are made soley by Afterpay, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Afterpay.
Klarna is a Buy Now Pay Later payment method that allows you to choose from various payment plans. To pay with Klarna, you will be redirected during checkout to Klarna’s site, where you either sign up or log in to authorize the payment by agreeing to the terms of a payment plan. Full or partial refunds for Klarna transactions are available up to 180 days after the original payment. There are no fees to refund a charge however, the fees from the original charge will not be returned. If applicable, anything related to interest will be handled directly by Klarna. Decisions regarding qualifications are made soley by Klarna, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Klarna.
10% Off is available for the following: Enter discount code SPECIALCIRCUMSTANCES at checkout and specify qualification.
- Clinicians working primarily with Minoritized Populations (comprising approximately 75% of caseload).
- Clinicians working directly within the Military or are, themselves, Military Service Members (Former or Active-Duty), First Responders, or their spouses.
- Clinicians working within a Non-Profit Organization.
Note: We're sorry, only one discount code can be used per order.
This course is for independently licensed mental health clinicians. A copy of the participant's qualifying license must be submitted to the Training Portal in the Participant Agreement during registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of a current professional license has been received.
- Qualifying medical doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province.
- Qualifying advanced practice registered nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a master’s degree or above in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Individuals who only hold a chemical dependency or substance abuse license are not eligible as these licenses generally do not allow for a mental health scope of practice.
EMDR Training Level: Full EMDR Training is Required. Attendees must have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training (including the 10 hours of required Consultation). A copy of the participants EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training Certificate of Completion must be submitted to the Training Portal in the Participant Agreement during registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of the EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training Certificate of Completion has been received. Please note, some agencies offer EMDR trainings that are not EMDRIA-Approved. No continuing education credits nor EMDRIA credits will be issued to those who have not completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training.
Full attendance of the training is required to receive Continuing Education Credit. Participants are required to pass a post-test to evaluate learning of the program material. The post-test includes 6-8 multiple choice questions per hour/CE credit. A minimum of 75% correct answers, within 3 attempts, is required to pass. At the end of the post-test, participants are required to attest to having attended the training in full and that they are the person who completed the post-test, as well as to identify words embedded throughout the program. Log in data on the course site is used to verify completion of all program modules.
As all course materials become immediately available once registration is complete, refunds for the course will generally not be issued. If you have a grievance and/or believe your concern should be considered as an exception to this refund policy, please follow the below instructions for submitting a grievance.
Precision EMDR Academy reserves the right to refuse anyone participation in a training program whether due to qualification, reputation, behavior, or any other reason at Precision EMDR Academy's prerogative. Precision EMDR Academy also reserves the right to expel a participant from a training at such point that Precision EMDR Academy determines that continued participation would not be in the best interest of that participant, other participants, Precision EMDR Academy, and/or the public. Should Precision EMDR Academy learn that a registered participant in a training program is not in fact qualified to participate, their participation will be refused and/or discontinued. Fees may apply as per the Cancellations policy.
Precision EMDR Academy acknowledges the traumatic impact and other harms of violence and discrimination. We oppose oppression in all forms, and aspire to promote access for all, without discriminatory behavior or bias. Precision EMDR Academy values creating a safe, supportive, inclusive environment for training regardless of an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, or religion. Please bring any concerns regarding training experiences contrary to these values to the attention of Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, at, or Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director, at
All trainings by Precision EMDR Academy are held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations for in-person or virtual trainings are required for any reason (including accessibility, necessary dietary restrictions, and space for nursing infants), please notify us 30 days in advance at It is important to us that we are able to team with you in making adequate preparations to meet your needs.
There is no commercial support for this program. Susanne Morgan is the owner of Precision EMDR Academy. Executive members of the Professional Credentialing Committee receive compensation for their role in development and quality assurance of training content. There are no known conflicts of interest.
Precision EMDR Academy is committed to the identification and resolution of potential conflicts of interest in the planning, promotion, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education. Consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, potential conflicts of interest occur when an individual assumes a professional role in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of continuing education where personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests could reasonably be expected to impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.
Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, is responsible to identify, declare, and resolve any potential conflict of interest Precision EMDR Academy may have in offering any specific program of continuing education. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the Director of Training will assume responsibility to resolve the potential conflict. Precision EMDR Academy requires that professionals participating in the planning of continuing education identify any potential conflict of interest they may have in the review, selection, development, delivery, or evaluation of that program and disclose the conflict or recuse themselves from any decision-making concerning that program. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, The Director of Training will ensure that the individual recuses themselves from the planning process.There are no known conflicts of interest. There are no known conflicts of interest.
It is Precision EMDR Academy’s policy to treat all participants and potential participants with fairness and professionalism, and to strive for excellence in the services we provide. Precision EMDR Academy is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict compliance with the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of Susanne Morgan, LMFT, Director of Training, in consultation with Colette Lord, PhD, Director of Professional Credentialing; Danielle Hiestand, PsyD, LMFT, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing; Debbra Wagner, LMFT, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair; and Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director.
While Precision EMDR Academy goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be an occasional issue which requires intervention and/or action by staff. This procedural description serves as a guideline for handling such grievances.
A grievance is defined as any occurrence, situation, or condition that a participant thinks is improper, unfair, unjust, or inequitable. This policy provides participants with the opportunity to express a concern or complaint related to the quality of services. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, unprofessionally, or feel that your rights have been breached, please follow the procedures outlined below. Precision EMDR Academy will not retaliate against anyone for filing a grievance. Resolutions are case specific and may include an attempt to move the participant to another training or consultation cohort, provide a credit for a subsequent training, or provide a partial or full refund of the training fee.
If you have a grievance, the concern may be discussed with a Precision EMDR Academy staff member or the Director of Training. If you are not satisfied, you may proceed to the next step of this grievance procedure by filing a written grievance. You may also file a written grievance without any preliminary discussion if you believe that such discussion would not be appropriate to the situation. Written grievances should be sent to the Director of Training at The Director of Training will initiate an investigation and provide an acknowledgment to you within two business days. If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Director of Training by email or phone at 760-452-2776 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training, Assistant Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and make recommendations for its resolution.
If your grievance regards the Director of Training, the written grievance should be submitted to the Administrative Director at If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Administrative Director by email or phone at 760-410-8786 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training will be made aware of the grievance. However, to ameliorate any conflict of interest, the review of the matter will be conducted by the Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director who will make recommendations for its resolution.Precision EMDR Academy will report the outcome of the grievance investigation to you within 21 business days after the grievance is received. If the grievance investigation cannot be concluded within 21 days, you will be notified and given a new date of up to 45 days, at which time a resolution or determination will be made. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the results, you may contact the Director of Training (or the Administrative Director if the grievance regards the Director of Training) to further discuss the matter. The Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and will respond to you in writing within 21 business days, and this decision and recommendation will be final.
- Evidence-Based Practice & Practice-Based Evidence
- Defining Trauma
- EMDR Therapy as Transdiagnostic
- Principles of Trauma Informed Treatment
Visually Decoding the AIP Model
Visually Decoding the 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy
Visually Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma
- Defining Complex Developmental Trauma
- Secure vs. NonSecure Attachment
- Negative Cognitions for Targeting Attachment & Affect Management Strategies/Adaptations
Safety within the Therapeutic Relationship
- Addressing Identity, Race, and Culture
Screening for Dissociation
Preparation Exercises with Complex Developmental Trauma
- Container
- Calm Place
- Resource Developmental & Installation (RDI)
- Support Team Gift Exercise
History Gathering Tools
- Attachment-Focused Interview
- Trigger Decoding Log
- Top Tens Memory Decoding Exercise
- Readiness Checklist
Decoding Cognition Themes
Visually Decoding Target Sequence Planning
- Comprehensive
- Symptom-Focused
- Crisis/Intrusion Focused
Steps to Complete Registration & Access Course Materials
- Complete the information required for checkout and click the green "Complete My Purchase" button at the bottom of the page.
- You will see a menu of one or more courses available to you. Double click on the option with the title of this course. This will be your only option if you have never taken courses from Precision EMDR Academy before. If you have previously taken courses from Precision EMDR Academy, be sure to select the correct course.
- Click the green "Start Course" button. This will open the Participant Agreement.
- Complete the Participant Agreement, including uploading the required documentation.
- Completion of the Participant Agreement will unlock access to the course materials.
- To navigate to various sections of the course materials in the current Module, use the menu on the right side of the screen to view sections of the current Module.
- To navigate to various sections of the course materials in other Modules, click "Modules" in the navigational breadcrumbs in the upper section of the page to access a table of contents and click on whichever Module you wish to open.
- You can log back into the Training Portal at any time at:
- Contact us at if you need your password resent to you.
This self-paced homestudy webinar provides a visual explanation of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, which is the theoretical foundation of EMDR therapy. Graphics depicting adaptive and maladaptive memory networks are used to illustrate key implications for treating complex developmental trauma with EMDR therapy. Strategic methods for history gathering and preparation are delineated as means of assessing a client’s readiness for trauma memory reprocessing, guarding against risks associated with EMDR therapy, and incorporating essential attention to a client’s identity, race, and culture. Worksheets are provided for decoding the connections between a client’s symptoms, triggers, and trauma memory networks, as well as for creating comprehensive, symptom-focused, and crisis/intrusion-focused target sequence plans based on these connections. Concepts throughout the training are explained via lecture accompanied by detailed slides, which include extensive use of graphics to clarify key points. Integration of interventions into clinical practice is supported by worksheets, checklists, rubrics, suggested practicum exercises, and video demonstrations. The course is focused on adult clients. (Advanced Level)
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Identify at least 2 types of Adaptive Information and 2 types of Maladaptive Information that comprise Memory Networks according to the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model, which is the theoretical foundation of EMDR therapy.
- Describe the relevance of assessing the Adaptive Information Memory Network, in addition to the Trauma Memory Networks, when treating complex developmental trauma.
- Identify 3 or more components of Readiness that determine when treatment can progress from stabilization to EMDR memory reprocessing when treating complex developmental trauma.
- Identify at least 2 methods to assess for each component of Readiness to progress from stabilization to EMDR memory reprocessing when treating complex developmental trauma.
- Identify at least 2 ways that integrating discussion of the client’s identity, race, and cultural history is important to providing effective EMDR therapy for clients with complex developmental trauma.
- Explain 1 method for decoding how a client’s symptoms are connected to present triggers and trauma memory networks.
- Explain 1 method for identifying negative cognitions for targeting maladaptive strategies for managing negative affect and unmet attachment needs related to complex developmental trauma.
- Describe at least 2 methods for creating a Target Sequence Plan to organize the reprocessing phases of EMDR therapy for treatment of complex developmental trauma.
Bryant, R. A., & Chan, I. (2017). Activating attachment representations during memory retrieval modulates intrusive traumatic memories. Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal, 55, 197–204.
Civilotti, C., Cussino, M., Callerame, C., Fernandez, I., & Zaccagnino, M. (2019). Changing the adult state of mind with respect to attachment: An exploratory study of the role of EMDR Psychotherapy. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(3), 176–186.
DiNardo, J., & Marotta-Walters, S. (2019). Cultural themes and discourse in EMDR therapy. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(2), 111–123.
Hase, M. (2021). Instant resource installation and extensive resource installation - two novel techniques for resource installation in EMDR therapy—Theory, description and case report. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 5(4), Article 100224.
Hase M, Balmaceda UM, Ostacoli L, Liebermann P and Hofmann A (2017) The AIP Model of EMDR Therapy and Pathogenic Memories. Front. Psychol. 8:1578. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01578
Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., Brewin, C. R., Cloitre, M., Bradley, A., Kitchiner, N. J., Jumbe, S., Bisson, J. I., & Roberts, N. P. (2018). The role of negative cognitions, emotion regulation strategies, and attachment style in complex post‐traumatic stress disorder: Implications for new and existing therapies. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(2), 177–185.
Lassri, D., Luyten, P., Fonagy, P., & Shahar, G. (2018). Undetected scars? Self-criticism, attachment, and romantic relationships among otherwise well-functioning childhood sexual abuse survivors. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10(1), 121–129.
Marshall, E. M., Karantzas, G. C., Chesterman, S., & Kambouropoulos, N. (2022). Unpacking the association between attachment insecurity and PTSD symptoms: The mediating role of coping strategies. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.
Reynolds, C., Simms, J., Webb, K., Corry, M., McDermott, B., Ryan, M., Shannon, M., & Dyer, K. F. W. (2017). Client factors that predict the therapeutic alliance in a chronic, complex trauma sample. Traumatology, 23(4), 294–302.
Rosoff, A. L. (2019). How we do what we do: The therapist, EMDR, and treatment of complex trauma. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(1), 61–74.
Fifteen (15) hours of APA CE credit are available for attendees who are present for the entire program. Precision EMDR Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
APA credits are accepted by most doctoral and masters-level licensing boards. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences recognizes the American Psychological Association as an approval agency for CE providers: You are responsible to verify with your state licensing board regarding qualifying continuing education credits.
Fifteen (15) EMDRIA Credits are available for attendees who are present for the entire program. This program is consistent with the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR. Susanne Morgan, LMFT and Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its contents in accordance with EMDRIA requirements. EMDRIA Credit Provider #18001 / EC Program Approval No.18001-DL04
Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 2)
The Connection between Symptoms, Triggers, and Trauma Memory Networks in Reprocessing Maladaptive Strategies for Managing Affect & Attachment
Location: Self-Paced Webinar (Coming Soon)
Level of Programming: Advanced, Complete EMDRIA-Approved EMDR Basic Training Required
Prerequisite: Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 1) - Part 2 is NOT available as a separate purchase apart from or without prior enrollment in Part 1.
Cost: $497* + $50 for 18 APA & EMDRIA CEs (optional)
*Bundle Part 1 & 2 to Save $100 on both!
Payment Plan available if qualified

This homestudy webinar provides a visual explanation of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model of EMDR therapy. Graphics depicting adaptive and maladaptive memory networks are used to illustrate key implications for treating complex developmental trauma with EMDR therapy, including application to the spectrum of dissociative symptoms and disorders.
The connection between symptoms, triggers, and trauma memory networks in complex developmental trauma is conceptualized through an EMDR therapy lens, with particular focus on negative cognitions that describe how a client's symptoms manage their sense of worth, safety, power, or belonging. Methods for reprocessing maladaptive strategies for managing negative affect and unmet attachment needs are discussed, including reprocessing of associated maladaptive positive affect. Common blocking beliefs when reprocessing complex developmental trauma and interweaves to address blocked processing are presented.
Concepts throughout the training are explained via lecture accompanied by detailed slides, which include extensive use of graphics to clarify key points. Integration of interventions into clinical practice is supported by video demonstrations. The course is focused on adult clients. (Advanced Level)
Note: This course builds on foundational material in Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 1): The Connection between Symptoms, Triggers, and Trauma Memory Networks in developing Readiness and Target Sequence Planning. Part 2 is NOT available as a separate purchase apart from or without prior enrollment in Part 1.
Student Testimonials
4 Monthly Installments may be available to you through Afterpay. Additional payment plan options may be available through Klarna.
The option of installment payments is available through Afterpay at checkout for qualifying applicants. Full or partial refunds for Afterpay transactions are available up to 120 days after the original payment, minus the fees from the original charge. If Afterpay is used for training registration, refunds will not be provided separately or additionally by Precision EMDR Academy. Not all customers are guaranteed approval for Afterpay, as approval depends on various factors considered during Afterpay’s assessment. Afterpay may perform a soft credit check for using the monthly installment option. Decisions regarding qualification are made soley by Afterpay, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Afterpay.
Klarna is a Buy Now Pay Later payment method that allows you to choose from various payment plans. To pay with Klarna, you will be redirected during checkout to Klarna’s site, where you either sign up or log in to authorize the payment by agreeing to the terms of a payment plan. Full or partial refunds for Klarna transactions are available up to 180 days after the original payment. There are no fees to refund a charge however, the fees from the original charge will not be returned. If applicable, anything related to interest will be handled directly by Klarna. Decisions regarding qualifications are made soley by Klarna, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Klarna.
10% Off is available for the following: Enter discount code SPECIALCIRCUMSTANCES at checkout and specify qualification.
- Clinicians working primarily with Minoritized Populations (comprising approximately 75% of caseload).
- Clinicians working directly within the Military or are, themselves, Military Service Members (Former or Active-Duty), First Responders, or their spouses.
- Clinicians working within a Non-Profit Organization.
Note: We're sorry, only one discount code can be used per order.
This course is for independently licensed mental health clinicians. A copy of the participant's qualifying license must be submitted to the Training Portal in the Participant Agreement after registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of a current professional license has been received.
- Qualifying medical doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province.
- Qualifying advanced practice registered nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a master’s degree or above in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Individuals who only hold a chemical dependency or substance abuse license are not eligible as these licenses generally do not allow for a mental health scope of practice.
EMDR Training Level: Full EMDR Training is Required. Attendees must have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training (including the 10 hours of required Consultation). A copy of the participants EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training Certificate of Completion must be submitted to the Training Portal in the Participant Agreement after registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of the EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training Certificate of Completion has been received. Please note, some agencies offer EMDR trainings that are not EMDRIA-Approved. No continuing education credits nor EMDRIA credits will be issued to those who have not completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training.
Full attendance of the training is required to receive Continuing Education Credit. Participants are required to pass a post-test to evaluate learning of the program material. The post-test includes 6-8 multiple choice questions per hour/CE credit. A minimum of 75% correct answers, within 3 attempts, is required to pass. At the end of the post-test, participants are required to attest to having attended the training in full and that they are the person who completed the post-test, as well as to identify words embedded throughout the program. Log in data on the course site is used to verify completion of all program modules.
As all course materials become immediately available once registration is complete, refunds for the course will generally not be issued. If you have a grievance and/or believe your concern should be considered as an exception to this refund policy, please follow the below instructions for submitting a grievance.
Precision EMDR Academy reserves the right to refuse anyone participation in a training program whether due to qualification, reputation, behavior, or any other reason at Precision EMDR Academy's prerogative. Precision EMDR Academy also reserves the right to expel a participant from a training at such point that Precision EMDR Academy determines that continued participation would not be in the best interest of that participant, other participants, Precision EMDR Academy, and/or the public. Should Precision EMDR Academy learn that a registered participant in a training program is not in fact qualified to participate, their participation will be refused and/or discontinued. Fees may apply as per the Cancellations policy.
Precision EMDR Academy acknowledges the traumatic impact and other harms of violence and discrimination. We oppose oppression in all forms, and aspire to promote access for all, without discriminatory behavior or bias. Precision EMDR Academy values creating a safe, supportive, inclusive environment for training regardless of an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, or religion. Please bring any concerns regarding training experiences contrary to these values to the attention of Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, at, or Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director, at
All trainings by Precision EMDR Academy are held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations for in-person or virtual trainings are required for any reason (including accessibility, necessary dietary restrictions, and space for nursing infants), please notify us 30 days in advance at It is important to us that we are able to team with you in making adequate preparations to meet your needs.
There is no commercial support for this program. Susanne Morgan is the owner of Precision EMDR Academy. Executive members of the Professional Credentialing Committee receive compensation for their role in development and quality assurance of training content. There are no known conflicts of interest.
Precision EMDR Academy is committed to the identification and resolution of potential conflicts of interest in the planning, promotion, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education. Consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, potential conflicts of interest occur when an individual assumes a professional role in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of continuing education where personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests could reasonably be expected to impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.
Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, is responsible to identify, declare, and resolve any potential conflict of interest Precision EMDR Academy may have in offering any specific program of continuing education. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the Director of Training will assume responsibility to resolve the potential conflict. Precision EMDR Academy requires that professionals participating in the planning of continuing education identify any potential conflict of interest they may have in the review, selection, development, delivery, or evaluation of that program and disclose the conflict or recuse themselves from any decision-making concerning that program. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, The Director of Training will ensure that the individual recuses themselves from the planning process.There is no commercial support for this program. Susanne Morgan is the owner of Precision EMDR Academy. Executive members of the Professional Credentialing Committee receive compensation for their role in development and quality assurance of training content. There are no known conflicts of interest.
Precision EMDR Academy is committed to the identification and resolution of potential conflicts of interest in the planning, promotion, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education. Consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, potential conflicts of interest occur when an individual assumes a professional role in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of continuing education where personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests could reasonably be expected to impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.
Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, is responsible to identify, declare, and resolve any potential conflict of interest Precision EMDR Academy may have in offering any specific program of continuing education. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the Director of Training will assume responsibility to resolve the potential conflict. Precision EMDR Academy requires that professionals participating in the planning of continuing education identify any potential conflict of interest they may have in the review, selection, development, delivery, or evaluation of that program and disclose the conflict or recuse themselves from any decision-making concerning that program. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, The Director of Training will ensure that the individual recuses themselves from the planning process.
It is Precision EMDR Academy’s policy to treat all participants and potential participants with fairness and professionalism, and to strive for excellence in the services we provide. Precision EMDR Academy is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict compliance with the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of Susanne Morgan, LMFT, Director of Training, in consultation with Colette Lord, PhD, Director of Professional Credentialing; Danielle Hiestand, PsyD, LMFT, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing; Debbra Wagner, LMFT, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair; and Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director.
While Precision EMDR Academy goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be an occasional issue which requires intervention and/or action by staff. This procedural description serves as a guideline for handling such grievances.
A grievance is defined as any occurrence, situation, or condition that a participant thinks is improper, unfair, unjust, or inequitable. This policy provides participants with the opportunity to express a concern or complaint related to the quality of services. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, unprofessionally, or feel that your rights have been breached, please follow the procedures outlined below. Precision EMDR Academy will not retaliate against anyone for filing a grievance. Resolutions are case specific and may include an attempt to move the participant to another training or consultation cohort, provide a credit for a subsequent training, or provide a partial or full refund of the training fee.
If you have a grievance, the concern may be discussed with a Precision EMDR Academy staff member or the Director of Training. If you are not satisfied, you may proceed to the next step of this grievance procedure by filing a written grievance. You may also file a written grievance without any preliminary discussion if you believe that such discussion would not be appropriate to the situation. Written grievances should be sent to the Director of Training at The Director of Training will initiate an investigation and provide an acknowledgment to you within two business days. If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Director of Training by email or phone at 760-452-2776 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training, Assistant Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and make recommendations for its resolution.
If your grievance regards the Director of Training, the written grievance should be submitted to the Administrative Director at If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Administrative Director by email or phone at 760-410-8786 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training will be made aware of the grievance. However, to ameliorate any conflict of interest, the review of the matter will be conducted by the Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director who will make recommendations for its resolution.Precision EMDR Academy will report the outcome of the grievance investigation to you within 21 business days after the grievance is received. If the grievance investigation cannot be concluded within 21 days, you will be notified and given a new date of up to 45 days, at which time a resolution or determination will be made. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the results, you may contact the Director of Training (or the Administrative Director if the grievance regards the Director of Training) to further discuss the matter. The Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and will respond to you in writing within 21 business days, and this decision and recommendation will be final.
Visually Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma
- Adaptive & Maladaptive Memory Network Complexities
- Maladaptive Strategies for Managing Negative Affect & Unmet Attachment Needs
Visually Decoding Dissociative Disorders
Visually Decoding Blocked Processing
- Simple Strategies
- Complex Strategies - Feeder Memories & Blocking Beliefs
- Advanced Strategies - Cognitive Interweaves & Restricted Processing
- Specialized Strategies for Dissociative Disorders
The Spectrum of Blocking Beliefs & Dissociative Phobias in Complex Developmental Trauma
- Key Blocking Beliefs in Complex Developmental Trauma
- Key Phobias in Dissociative Disorders
Interweaves for Blocked Processing re: Maladaptive Strategies for Managing Negative Affect
- Avoidance of Emotions, Sensations, and Realizations
- Difficulty Staying Connected to the Supportive Presence of the Therapist
- Difficulty Staying Connected to the Present
Methods fo Reprocessing Maladaptive Positive Affect
- Level of Positive Affect Method (LOPA)
- Feeling State Addiction Protocol (FSAP)
Interweaves for Blocked Processing re: Maladaptive Strategies for Managing Unmet Attachment Needs
- Loving Eyes
- Needs Meeting
- Retrieval
- Tucking In
Methods for Reprocessing Attachment-Focused Maladaptive Positive Affect
Steps to Complete Registration & Access Course Materials
- Complete the information required for checkout and click the green "Complete My Purchase" button at the bottom of the page.
- You will see a menu of one or more courses available to you. Double click on the option with the title of this course. This will be your only option if you have never taken courses from Precision EMDR Academy before. If you have previously taken courses from Precision EMDR Academy, be sure to select the correct course.
- Click the green "Start Course" button. This will open the Participant Agreement.
- Complete the Participant Agreement, including uploading the required documentation.
- Completion of the Participant Agreement will unlock access to the course materials.
- To navigate to various sections of the course materials in the current Module, use the menu on the right side of the screen to view sections of the current Module.
- To navigate to various sections of the course materials in other Modules, click "Modules" in the navigational breadcrumbs in the upper section of the page to access a table of contents and click on whichever Module you wish to open.
- You can log back into the Training Portal at any time at:
- Contact us at if you need your password resent to you.
This homestudy webinar provides a visual explanation of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, which is the theoretical foundation of EMDR therapy. Graphics depicting adaptive and maladaptive memory networks are used to illustrate key implications for treating complex developmental trauma with EMDR therapy, including application to the spectrum of dissociative symptoms and disorders. The connection between symptoms, triggers, and trauma memory networks in complex developmental trauma is conceptualized through an EMDR therapy lens, with particular focus on negative cognitions that describe how the client’s symptoms manage their sense of worth, safety, power, or belonging. Methods for reprocessing maladaptive strategies for managing negative affect and unmet attachment needs are discussed, including reprocessing of associated maladaptive positive affect. Common blocking beliefs when reprocessing complex developmental trauma and interweaves to address blocked processing are presented. Concepts throughout the training are explained via lecture accompanied by detailed slides, which include extensive use of graphics to clarify key points. Integration of interventions into clinical practice is supported by video demonstrations. (Advanced Level)
Note: This course builds on foundational material in Decoding Complex Developmental Trauma using EMDR Therapy (Part 1): The Connection between Symptoms, Triggers, and Trauma Memory Networks in developing Readiness and Target Sequence Planning.
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Describe 1 conceptualization of the connection between symptoms, triggers, and trauma memory networks in complex developmental trauma, using the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model of EMDR therapy.
- Explain 1 method for formulating negative cognitions that describe how the client’s symptoms manage their sense of worth, safety, power, or belonging through maladaptive strategies for managing negative affect and unmet attachment needs.
- Describe 1 conceptualization of dissociative symptoms and disorders using the AIP model of EMDR therapy.
- Identify 3 or more blocking beliefs related to unmet attachment needs that may arise when reprocessing complex developmental trauma.
- Explain at least 1 method to reprocess maladaptive strategies for managing negative affect related to complex developmental trauma using EMDR therapy.
- Explain at least 1 method to reprocess maladaptive strategies for managing unmet attachment needs using EMDR therapy.
- Describe 3 or more interweaves that can be used to address attachment-related blocked processing when targeting complex developmental trauma memories.
- Explain at least 1 method to reprocess maladaptive positive affect associated with strategies for managing negative affect and unmet attachment needs related to complex developmental trauma using EMDR therapy.
Bogdanović, A., Radev, M.T., & Stanojević, T. S. (2023). Disorganized attachment, mentalization and dissociation in context of childhood trauma: Implications for depressive symptoms. Child Abuse Review, 32(2), Article e2798.
Bryant, R. A., & Chan, I. (2017). Activating attachment representations during memory retrieval modulates intrusive traumatic memories. Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal, 55, 197–204.
Civilotti, C. ,Cussino, M., Callerame, C. , Fernandez, I., & Zaccagnino, M. (2019). Changing the adult state of mind with respect to attachment: An exploratory study of the role of EMDR Psychotherapy. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(3),176–186.
Hase, M., Balmaceda, U. M., Ostacoli, L., Liebermann, P., and Hofmann, A. (2017) The AIP Model of EMDR Therapy and Pathogenic Memories. Front. Psychol. 8:1578. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01578
Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., Brewin, C. R., Cloitre, M., Bradley, A., Kitchiner, N.J., Jumbe, S., Bisson, J. I., & Roberts, N. P. (2018). The role of negative cognitions, emotion regulation strategies, and attachment style in complex post‐traumatic stress disorder: Implications for new and existing therapies. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(2),177–185.
Lassri, D., Luyten, P., Fonagy, P., & Shahar, G. (2018). Undetected scars? Self-criticism,attachment, and romantic relationships among otherwise well-functioning childhood sexual abuse survivors. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10(1), 121–129.
Marshall, E. M., Karantzas, G. C., Chesterman, S., & Kambouropoulos, N. (2022). Unpacking the association between attachment insecurity and PTSD symptoms: The mediating role of coping strategies. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.
Mosquera, D., & Knipe, J. (2017). Idealization and maladaptive positive emotion: EMDR therapy for women who are ambivalent about leaving an abusive partner. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 11(1), 54–66.
Rosoff, A. L. (2019). How we do what we do: The therapist, EMDR, and treatment of complex trauma. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(1), 61–74.
Sgualdini, E., Favaro, N., Dal Lago, D.,Cibin, M., & Chiamulera, C. (2023). A randomized study to compare the effects of EMDR added to TAU on substance memory in a residential addiction setting. Journal of Substance Use. Advance online publication.
Eighteen (18) hours of APA CE credit are available for attendees who are present for the entire program. Precision EMDR Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
APA credits are accepted by most doctoral and masters-level licensing boards. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences recognizes the American Psychological Association as an approval agency for CE providers: You are responsible to verify with your state licensing board regarding qualifying continuing education credits.
Eighteen (18) EMDRIA Credits are available for attendees who are present for the entire program. This program is consistent with the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR. Susanne Morgan, LMFT and Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its contents in accordance with EMDRIA requirements. EMDRIA Credit Provider #18001 / EC Program Approval No.18001-DL06

Decoding the Model of EMDR Therapy
A Visual Conceptualization of the Connection between Symptoms, Triggers, and Trauma Memory Networks
Location: Self-Paced Webinar
Level of Programming: Introductory, EMDR Training NOT Required
Cost: $0 + $10 for 2 APA & EMDRIA CE Credits (optional)
Provided Live: Friday, 8/2/24 (Contact Susie if you would like her to provide this training live to your agency or organization.)
Providing strategic, safe, and effective EMDR therapy – to even the most complex cases – begins with being able to thoroughly grasp the AIP model and its clinical implications. Moreover, providing truly trauma-informed care begins with being able to explain these concepts with depth and clarity to our clients, so they are empowered to have an informed voice in their treatment. This course provides a visual depiction of the AIP model, EMDR Reprocessing, Readiness, and Target Sequence Planning, making a theory and method that can often feel convoluted and confusing to become accessible and clear.
Student Testimonials
This course is offered for free. 4 Monthly Installments may be available to you through Afterpay for the cost of CE Credts. Additional payment plan options may be available through Klarna.
The option of installment payments is available through Afterpay at checkout for qualifying applicants. Full or partial refunds for Afterpay transactions are available up to 120 days after the original payment, minus the fees from the original charge. If Afterpay is used for training registration, refunds will not be provided separately or additionally by Precision EMDR Academy. Not all customers are guaranteed approval for Afterpay, as approval depends on various factors considered during Afterpay’s assessment. Afterpay may perform a soft credit check for using the monthly installment option. Decisions regarding qualification are made soley by Afterpay, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Afterpay.
Klarna is a Buy Now Pay Later payment method that allows you to choose from various payment plans. To pay with Klarna, you will be redirected during checkout to Klarna’s site, where you either sign up or log in to authorize the payment by agreeing to the terms of a payment plan. Full or partial refunds for Klarna transactions are available up to 180 days after the original payment. There are no fees to refund a charge however, the fees from the original charge will not be returned. If applicable, anything related to interest will be handled directly by Klarna. Decisions regarding qualifications are made soley by Klarna, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Klarna.
This course is offered for free, so no discounts are available.
This course is for independently licensed mental health clinicians. A copy of the participant's qualifying license must be submitted to the Training Portal under Essentials: Participant Agreement after registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of a current professional license has been received.
- Qualifying medical doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province.
- Qualifying advanced practice registered nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a master’s degree or above in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Individuals who only hold a chemical dependency or substance abuse license are not eligible as these licenses generally do not allow for a mental health scope of practice.
EMDR Training Level: No prior EMDR training is required for this course.
Full attendance of the training is required to receive Continuing Education Credit. Approval of partial programs will not be granted. For live virtual courses, participants who arrive more than 15 minutes late at start of day / after breaks or leave more than 15 minutes early at end of day / before breaks will not receive credit. Attendance during live virtual trainings will be verified by "pop" queries and requirement to attend with cameras on throughout the training. Participants who are absent for part of the program, due to documented illness or emergency circumstances, will be given the option to enroll in the program again within one year of the original program date. In such cases, completion of the entire repeated program is required.
For self-paced homestudy courses, participants are required to pass a post-test to evaluate learning of the program material. The post-test includes 6-8 multiple choice questions per hour/CE credit. A minimum of 75% correct answers, within 3 attempts, is required to pass. At the end of the post-test, participants are required to attest to having attended the training in full and that they are the person who completed the post-test, as well as to identify words embedded throughout the program. Log in data on the course site is used to verify completion of all program modules.
As all course materials become immediately available once registration is complete, refunds for the course will generally not be issued. If you have a grievance and/or believe your concern should be considered as an exception to this refund policy, please follow the below instructions for submitting a grievance.
Precision EMDR Academy reserves the right to refuse anyone participation in a training program whether due to qualification, reputation, behavior, or any other reason at Precision EMDR Academy's prerogative. Precision EMDR Academy also reserves the right to expel a participant from a training at such point that Precision EMDR Academy determines that continued participation would not be in the best interest of that participant, other participants, Precision EMDR Academy, and/or the public. Should Precision EMDR Academy learn that a registered participant in a training program is not in fact qualified to participate, their participation will be refused and/or discontinued. Fees may apply as per the Cancellations policy.
Precision EMDR Academy acknowledges the traumatic impact and other harms of violence and discrimination. We oppose oppression in all forms, and aspire to promote access for all, without discriminatory behavior or bias. Precision EMDR Academy values creating a safe, supportive, inclusive environment for training regardless of an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, or religion. Please bring any concerns regarding training experiences contrary to these values to the attention of Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, at or Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director, at
All trainings by Precision EMDR Academy are held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations for in-person or virtual trainings are required for any reason (including accessibility, necessary dietary restrictions, and space for nursing infants), please notify us 15 days in advance at It is important to us that we are able to team with you in making adequate preparations to meet your needs.
There is no commercial support for this program. Susanne Morgan is the owner of Precision EMDR Academy. Executive members of the Professional Credentialing Committee receive compensation for their role in development and quality assurance of training content. There are no known conflicts of interest.
Precision EMDR Academy is committed to the identification and resolution of potential conflicts of interest in the planning, promotion, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education. Consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, potential conflicts of interest occur when an individual assumes a professional role in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of continuing education where personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests could reasonably be expected to impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.
Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, is responsible to identify, declare, and resolve any potential conflict of interest Precision EMDR Academy may have in offering any specific program of continuing education. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the Director of Training will assume responsibility to resolve the potential conflict. Precision EMDR Academy requires that professionals participating in the planning of continuing education identify any potential conflict of interest they may have in the review, selection, development, delivery, or evaluation of that program and disclose the conflict or recuse themselves from any decision-making concerning that program. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, The Director of Training will ensure that the individual recuses themselves from the planning process.
It is Precision EMDR Academy’s policy to treat all participants and potential participants with fairness and professionalism, and to strive for excellence in the services we provide. Precision EMDR Academy is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict compliance with the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of Susanne Morgan, LMFT, Director of Training, in consultation with Colette Lord, PhD, Director of Professional Credentialing; Danielle Hiestand, PsyD, LMFT, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing; Debbra Wagner, LMFT, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair; and Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director.
While Precision EMDR Academy goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be an occasional issue which requires intervention and/or action by staff. This procedural description serves as a guideline for handling such grievances.
A grievance is defined as any occurrence, situation, or condition that a participant thinks is improper, unfair, unjust, or inequitable. This policy provides participants with the opportunity to express a concern or complaint related to the quality of services. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, unprofessionally, or feel that your rights have been breached, please follow the procedures outlined below. Precision EMDR Academy will not retaliate against anyone for filing a grievance. Resolutions are case specific and may include an attempt to move the participant to another training or consultation cohort, provide a credit for a subsequent training, or provide a partial or full refund of the training fee.
If you have a grievance, the concern may be discussed with a Precision EMDR Academy staff member or the Director of Training. If you are not satisfied, you may proceed to the next step of this grievance procedure by filing a written grievance. You may also file a written grievance without any preliminary discussion if you believe that such discussion would not be appropriate to the situation. Written grievances should be sent to the Director of Training at The Director of Training will initiate an investigation and provide an acknowledgment to you within two business days. If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Director of Training by email or phone at 760-452-2776 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training, Assistant Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and make recommendations for its resolution.
If your grievance regards the Director of Training, the written grievance should be submitted to the Administrative Director at If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Administrative Director by email or phone at 760-410-8786 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training will be made aware of the grievance. However, to ameliorate any conflict of interest, the review of the matter will be conducted by the Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director who will make recommendations for its resolution.Precision EMDR Academy will report the outcome of the grievance investigation to you within 21 business days after the grievance is received. If the grievance investigation cannot be concluded within 21 days, you will be notified and given a new date of up to 45 days, at which time a resolution or determination will be made. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the results, you may contact the Director of Training (or the Administrative Director if the grievance regards the Director of Training) to further discuss the matter. The Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and will respond to you in writing within 21 business days, and this decision and recommendation will be final.
Foundations for Decoding EMDR Therapy
Decoding the AIP Model
Decoding Memory Reprocessing
Decoding Readiness for Memory Reprocessing
Decoding Triggers
Decoding EMDR-Derived Preparation Exercises
Decoding Target Sequence Planning
Zoom Link to Register for Training
- After registering for the training, you will be emailed a link to register for the training on Zoom. Follow this link and complete the registration, in order to obtain the Zoom Meeting link and password.
- Please do not share the Zoom meeting link and password with anyone outside the training.
- You need to register on and ensure your full name is visible on the screen, in order to allow for attendance tracking. You are welcome to provide your preferred name and pronouns on your Zoom screen.
- If you would like to familiarize yourself more with, you can go to this FAQ page to get all of your related questions answered.
How to Obtain Training Materials
- Please login to the Training Portal at:
- You must attest to your understanding and agreement to the Participant Agreement and submit all required documentation in the Training Portal under Essentials: Participant Agreement in order to have access to the training materials.
- Training materials will be made available in the Training Portal two weeks in advance of the training. You are encouraged to practice navigating the site and accessing the materials prior to the first day of the training. Please familiarize yourself with the content.
- You will have access to the training portal for two weeks after the training. Please ensure you have downloaded all Training materials before access to the training portal expires.
- Notify us at if you need your password reset.
Logistics During the Training
- Plan to arrive early for the training to ensure your connection is working correctly. The trainer and/or a staff member will be available 15 minutes prior to the start of the training to assist trainees with technical problem solving. This time will not be for EMDR therapy training or EMDR Q & A. Should a problem occur, you are welcome to email any technical questions to the team in advance of the training.
- Throughout the training, a staff member will be available to text for Zoom technical questions.
- During the training you are asked to monitor yourself for your emotional states. Clinical case examples are utilized for your learning. If you find yourself triggered by the examples, remember to use your appropriate coping skills as you would if a client talks about material that disturbs you.
- In the unlikely case that there is a Zoom outage or any other emergency situation that disrupts the training, we will take a brief break to resolve the issue. However, if the issue cannot be resolved in a reasonable period of time, the training will be rescheduled. You will be kept informed by email and text of any updates should such a situation arise.You will have access to the training portal for two weeks after the training. Please ensure you have downloaded all Training materials before access to the training portal expires.
Tips for Using Zoom for the Training
- If you move your mouse down your Zoom screen, you’ll see the controls across the bottom.
- That’s where you can mute yourself, make sure your web-cam is on, send a chat message, etc.
- Please “mute” yourself unless you are participating in a discussion. This helps us not have get background noises and allows everyone to be able to hear.
- Please keep your web-cam on during all live training sessions. That’s the equivalent of “being in the room” for an in-person training.
- If you would like to see the speaker and the PowerPoint slides at the same time, you can right click on the speaker’s face and click Pin; then you will only see the slides and the one face. You can drag the sides of the windows to re-size them if you wish.
- Please have your chat set to “all participants” when you are posting questions – unless it’s something you specifically want to be private and directed only to the instructor.
- In the case that something goes wrong, often re-loading will solve the problem, or re-booting the device. Unless the problem is a weak internet signal, in which case you might want to use your phone signal for access.
This live virtual seminar or self-paced homestudy webinar provides a visual explanation of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, which is the theoretical foundation of EMDR therapy. Graphics depicting adaptive and maladaptive memory networks are used to illustrate the importance of strategic history gathering and preparation, as means of assessing a client’s readiness for trauma memory reprocessing; guarding against risks associated with EMDR therapy; incorporating essential attention to a client’s identity, race, and culture; and developing target sequence plans. A worksheet is introduced as methods for decoding the connections between a client’s symptoms, triggers, and trauma memory networks. Concepts throughout the training are explained via lecture accompanied by detailed slides, which include extensive use of graphics to illustrate key points. The course is focused on adult clients. (Introductory Level)
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Explain the difference between Adaptive and Maladaptive Memory Networks according to the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model, which is the theoretical foundation of EMDR therapy.
- List at least 3 components of Readiness that determine that treatment can progress from stabilization to EMDR memory reprocessing, including discussion of the client’s identity, race, and cultural history.
- Describe 1 method for tracking the connection between a client’s Symptoms and their Present Triggers, and Trauma Memory Networks and how this is relevant to developing a Target Sequence Plan.
Two (2) hours of APA CE credit are available for the live training and for the self-paced homestudy webinar, for attendees who are present for the entire program. Precision EMDR Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
APA credits are accepted by most doctoral and masters-level licensing boards. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences recognizes the American Psychological Association as an approval agency for CE providers: You are responsible to verify with your state licensing board regarding qualifying continuing education credits.
Two (2) EMDRIA Credits are available for the live training, for attendees who are present for the entire program. This program is consistent with the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR. Susanne Morgan, LMFT and Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its contents in accordance with EMDRIA requirements. EMDRIA Credit Provider #18001 / EC Program Approval #18001-03
Two (2) EMDRIA Credits are available for the homestudy self-paced webinar, for attendees who are present for the entire program. This program is consistent with the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR. Susanne Morgan, LMFT and Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its contents in accordance with EMDRIA requirements. EMDRIA Credit Provider #18001 / EC Program Approval No.18001-DL05
The Readiness Course for EMDR Clinicians
A Model & Practicum for How to Begin with Non-Dissociative Complex Trauma Cases
Location: Self-Paced Webinar
Level of Programming: Advanced, Complete EMDRIA-Approved EMDR Basic Training Required
Cost: $87 + $20 for 6.5 EMDRIA credits (optional)

Course author, Susie Morgan, LMFT strongly recommends that consultees enroll in The Readiness Course for EMDR Clinicians in conjunction to consultation. She has found that it can significantly accelerate professional growth during the consultation process. She has also received feedback confirming its benefit from EMDR therapists with a wide range of experience levels – ranging from the newly trained to Consultant level.
The course was purposely designed to address the areas Susie - in over a dozen years as an EMDRIA-Approved Consultant - consistently found her consultees to be struggling in providing safe and effective EMDR therapy. So few clients present with simple, single-incident PTSD, thus making it essential to understand the modifications necessary in working with clients who have histories of complex, developmental trauma.
The course is intended for EMDR therapists to be able to use as a model or practicum for learning a strategically-sequenced series of preparation and history-gathering steps to help insure a client with non-dissociative Complex PTSD is ready to respond well when beginning trauma memory reprocessing.
Student Testimonials
4 Monthly Installments may be available to you through Afterpay. Additional payment plan options may be available through Klarna.
The option of installment payments is available through Afterpay at checkout for qualifying applicants. Full or partial refunds for Afterpay transactions are available up to 120 days after the original payment, minus the fees from the original charge. If Afterpay is used for training registration, refunds will not be provided separately or additionally by Precision EMDR Academy. Not all customers are guaranteed approval for Afterpay, as approval depends on various factors considered during Afterpay’s assessment. Afterpay may perform a soft credit check for using the monthly installment option. Decisions regarding qualification are made soley by Afterpay, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Afterpay.
Klarna is a Buy Now Pay Later payment method that allows you to choose from various payment plans. To pay with Klarna, you will be redirected during checkout to Klarna’s site, where you either sign up or log in to authorize the payment by agreeing to the terms of a payment plan. Full or partial refunds for Klarna transactions are available up to 180 days after the original payment. There are no fees to refund a charge however, the fees from the original charge will not be returned. If applicable, anything related to interest will be handled directly by Klarna. Decisions regarding qualifications are made soley by Klarna, and Precision EMDR Academy has no influence or responsibility in approval to use Klarna.
10% Off is available for the following: Enter discount code SPECIALCIRCUMSTANCES at checkout and specify qualification.
- Clinicians working primarily with Minoritized Populations (comprising approximately 75% of caseload).
- Clinicians working directly within the Military or are, themselves, Military Service Members (Former or Active-Duty), First Responders, or their spouses.
- Clinicians working within a Non-Profit Organization.
Note: We're sorry, only one discount code can be used per order.
This course is for independently licensed mental health clinicians. A copy of the participant's qualifying license must be submitted to the Training Portal under Essentials: Participant Agreement after registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of a current professional license has been received.
- Qualifying medical doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province.
- Qualifying advanced practice registered nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a master’s degree or above in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Individuals who only hold a chemical dependency or substance abuse license are not eligible as these licenses generally do not allow for a mental health scope of practice.
EMDR Training Level: Full EMDR Training is Required. Attendees must have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training (including the 10 hours of required Consultation). A copy of the participants EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training Certificate of Completion must be submitted to the Training Portal after registration. Registration is not complete until a copy of the EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training Certificate of Completion has been received. Please note, some agencies, such as PESI, offer EMDR trainings that are not EMDRIA-Approved. No continuing education credits nor EMDRIA credits will be issued to those who have not completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Training.
- Qualifying medical doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province.
- Qualifying advanced practice registered nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a master’s degree or above in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
- Individuals who only hold a chemical dependency or substance abuse license are not eligible as these licenses generally do not allow for a mental health scope of practice.
Full attendance of the training is required to receive Continuing Education Credit. Participants are required to pass a post-test to evaluate learning of the program material. The post-test includes 6-8 multiple choice questions per hour/CE credit. A minimum of 75% correct answers, within 3 attempts, is required to pass. At the end of the post-test, participants are required to attest to having attended the training in full and that they are the person who completed the post-test, as well as to identify words embedded throughout the program. Log in data on the course site is used to verify completion of all program modules.
As all course materials become immediately available once registration is complete, refunds for the course will generally not be issued. If you have a grievance and/or believe your concern should be considered as an exception to this refund policy, please follow the below instructions for submitting a grievance.
Precision EMDR Academy reserves the right to refuse anyone participation in a training program whether due to qualification, reputation, behavior, or any other reason at Precision EMDR Academy's prerogative. Precision EMDR Academy also reserves the right to expel a participant from a training at such point that Precision EMDR Academy determines that continued participation would not be in the best interest of that participant, other participants, Precision EMDR Academy, and/or the public. Should Precision EMDR Academy learn that a registered participant in a training program is not in fact qualified to participate, their participation will be refused and/or discontinued. Fees may apply as per the Cancellations policy.
Precision EMDR Academy acknowledges the traumatic impact and other harms of violence and discrimination. We oppose oppression in all forms, and aspire to promote access for all, without discriminatory behavior or bias. Precision EMDR Academy values creating a safe, supportive, inclusive environment for training regardless of an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, or religion. Please bring any concerns regarding training experiences contrary to these values to the attention of Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, at, or Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director, at
All trainings by Precision EMDR Academy are held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations for in-person or virtual trainings are required for any reason (including accessibility, necessary dietary restrictions, and space for nursing infants), please notify us 30 days in advance at It is important to us that we are able to team with you in making adequate preparations to meet your needs.
There is no commercial support for this program. Susanne Morgan is the owner of Precision EMDR Academy. Executive members of the Professional Credentialing Committee receive compensation for their role in development and quality assurance of training content. There are no known conflicts of interest.
Precision EMDR Academy is committed to the identification and resolution of potential conflicts of interest in the planning, promotion, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education. Consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, potential conflicts of interest occur when an individual assumes a professional role in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of continuing education where personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests could reasonably be expected to impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.
Susanne Morgan, Director of Training, is responsible to identify, declare, and resolve any potential conflict of interest Precision EMDR Academy may have in offering any specific program of continuing education. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the Director of Training will assume responsibility to resolve the potential conflict. Precision EMDR Academy requires that professionals participating in the planning of continuing education identify any potential conflict of interest they may have in the review, selection, development, delivery, or evaluation of that program and disclose the conflict or recuse themselves from any decision-making concerning that program. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, The Director of Training will ensure that the individual recuses themselves from the planning process.
It is Precision EMDR Academy’s policy to treat all participants and potential participants with fairness and professionalism, and to strive for excellence in the services we provide. Precision EMDR Academy is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict compliance with the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Precision EMDR Academy will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of Susanne Morgan, LMFT, Director of Training, in consultation with Colette Lord, PhD, Director of Professional Credentialing; Danielle Hiestand, PsyD, LMFT, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing; Debbra Wagner, LMFT, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair; and Nina Kotovsky, Administrative Director.
While Precision EMDR Academy goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be an occasional issue which requires intervention and/or action by staff. This procedural description serves as a guideline for handling such grievances.
A grievance is defined as any occurrence, situation, or condition that a participant thinks is improper, unfair, unjust, or inequitable. This policy provides participants with the opportunity to express a concern or complaint related to the quality of services. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, unprofessionally, or feel that your rights have been breached, please follow the procedures outlined below. Precision EMDR Academy will not retaliate against anyone for filing a grievance. Resolutions are case specific and may include an attempt to move the participant to another training or consultation cohort, provide a credit for a subsequent training, or provide a partial or full refund of the training fee.
If you have a grievance, the concern may be discussed with a Precision EMDR Academy staff member or the Director of Training. If you are not satisfied, you may proceed to the next step of this grievance procedure by filing a written grievance. You may also file a written grievance without any preliminary discussion if you believe that such discussion would not be appropriate to the situation. Written grievances should be sent to the Director of Training at The Director of Training will initiate an investigation and provide an acknowledgment to you within two business days. If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Director of Training by email or phone at 760-452-2776 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training, Assistant Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and make recommendations for its resolution.
If your grievance regards the Director of Training, the written grievance should be submitted to the Administrative Director at If you do not receive acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Administrative Director by email or phone at 760-410-8786 to confirm your written grievance has been received. The Director of Training will be made aware of the grievance. However, to ameliorate any conflict of interest, the review of the matter will be conducted by the Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director who will make recommendations for its resolution.Precision EMDR Academy will report the outcome of the grievance investigation to you within 21 business days after the grievance is received. If the grievance investigation cannot be concluded within 21 days, you will be notified and given a new date of up to 45 days, at which time a resolution or determination will be made. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the results, you may contact the Director of Training (or the Administrative Director if the grievance regards the Director of Training) to further discuss the matter. The Director of Training, Director of Professional Credentialing, Assistant Director of Professional Credentialing, Professional Credentialing Committee Chair, and Administrative Director will conduct a review of the matter and will respond to you in writing within 21 business days, and this decision and recommendation will be final.
An explanation of the how and why this course has been strategically designed as a model/practicum; an overview of the components of readiness for trauma memory reprocessing to be addressed in the course; and a method for introducing the AIP model, how EMDR therapy can transform the way trauma memories are stored in the brain, and important differences in safely and effectively treating Complex/Developmental Trauma compared to Adult Onset or Single Incident PTSD
Two practical tools to remind the nervous system that the circumstances of the past are over and that the Here and Now of adulthood IS distinctly different than the There and Then of childhood
Two methods to stop the swirling of negative thoughts and emotions – and a powerful exercise to tease out compelling reasons it actually might NOT feel okay to stop the swirling and feel better
An examination of four intense obstacles that can block healing of Complex/Developmental Trauma – and multiple methods for profoundly down-shifting these defenses
The development of a dynamic team of support figures – and the strengthening of a visceral connection to their Nurture, Protection, and Wisdom, as powerful scaffolding to support the work of healing from Complex/Developmental Trauma
An exercise designed to identify key life experiences and their ongoing impact on beliefs about Worth, Responsibility, Safety, and Choices
The identification of the Core Negative Themes causing disruption to self-image and healthy functioning – and the strategic mapping of memory clusters to be addressed with EMDR memory reprocessing
The highlighting and strengthening of Neurological Golden Nuggets – so that EMDR reprocessing can more readily connect them to the trauma memories from which they had previously been isolated and unable to impact
A means of facilitating the adult self becoming the most powerful source of Nurture, Protection, and Wisdom for the younger self, who went through whatever the younger self went through – with the purpose of developing a foundation for healing from Complex/Developmental Trauma and forming secure relationships in adult life
Steps to Complete Registration & Access Course Materials
- Complete the information required for checkout and click the green "Complete My Purchase" button at the bottom of the page.
- You will see a menu of one or more courses available to you. Double click on the option with the title of this course. This will be your only option if you have never taken courses from Precision EMDR Academy before. If you have previously taken courses from Precision EMDR Academy, be sure to select the correct course.
- Click the green "Start Course" button. This will open the Participant Agreement.
- Complete the Participant Agreement, including uploading the required documentation.
- Completion of the Participant Agreement will unlock access to the course materials.
- To navigate to various sections of the course materials in the current Module, use the menu on the right side of the screen to view sections of the current Module.
- To navigate to various sections of the course materials in other Modules, click "Modules" in the navigational breadcrumbs in the upper section of the page to access a table of contents and click on whichever Module you wish to open.
- You can log back into the Training Portal at any time at:
- Contact us at if you need your password resent to you.
The Readiness Course for EMDR Clinicians: A Model & Practicum for How to Begin with Non-Dissociative Complex Trauma Cases is designed for EMDR therapists to be able to use as a model and practicum for learning a strategically-sequenced series of preparation and history-gathering steps to use with non-dissociative, complex/developmental trauma clients to help advance and insure their readiness to respond well when beginning trauma memory reprocessing. The course identifies key components of readiness for safe and effective trauma memory reprocessing with this population, explains the reasons why each component is important for readiness, and provides exercises designed with the dual-purpose of assessing the clients for these components and providing methods of developing each one. (Introductory Level)
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Describe and depict the AIP model in a simple, easily comprehensible manner.
- Identify seven key components for readiness for trauma memory reprocessing within EMDR therapy, beyond screening for dissociation.
- List reasons why the seven components are important for readiness for safe and effective trauma memory reprocessing with non-dissociative clients who have complex/developmental trauma histories.
- Identify practical methods to assess for the seven readiness components within the context of History Taking and Preparation.
- Describe strategic sequencing of History Taking and Preparation exercises to develop the seven readiness components.
No information is currently available regarding APA Credits for this course. Please check back for updates.
Six-and-a-half (6.5) EMDRIA Credits are available for the live training, for attendees who are present for the entire program. This program is consistent with the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR. Susanne Morgan, LMFT and Precision EMDR Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its contents in accordance with EMDRIA requirements. EMDRIA Credit Provider #18001 / EC Program Approval #18001-DL01